A dad took action to kickstart his family holiday by flying the easyJet flight to Spain himself.
Upon finding out his holiday was in jeopardy of being cancelled, a super dad stepped up to the plate and offered to fly the plane himself.
Every year, Brits in their millions, spend countless hours searching for the perfect holiday destination, and subsequently count down the days to the moment they arrive at the airport and take their seats on the flight.
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However, for one family, their dream summer break was put at serious risk of falling apart, prompting the father to take a stand and make sure his loved ones got to enjoy the time in the sun they deserved.

After waking up with a spring in his step to travel to Alicante, Michael Bradley, discovered that his flight was going to be delayed by several hours. But luckily, he had the credentials to solve the problem.
With passengers on board claiming the pilot had 'gone missing', Michael, who is a licensed pilot in his own right, decided to bring his professional ID with him, under the slim chance that he'd be allowed to fly the aircraft himself.
Incredibly, his wish was granted, and he jumped into the hot seat like a heroic Han Solo. The video went viral at the time and continues to resurface, in which he informed the passengers that he was the man to thank for making sure their vacations went ahead.

Addressing his fellow travellers on the tannoy, he said: "My wife who's on row 15 with my little boy - hopefully, he's asleep by now; I should keep it down or else I'll get told off.
"She rolled over and punched me in the back of the head and said, 'Our flight's delayed by two hours because they are minus one captain for the flight'.
He continued: "So, just before we went through security I thought, I wonder if this is worth a phone call. I think it is because I'd like to go on holiday.
"I phoned up easyJet and said, 'Hiya, I'm standing in the terminal doing nothing. I have got my licence with me - deliberately from being punched in the back of the head at 3 AM.

"'I have got my ID with me, and I'd very much like to go on holiday, and if you need a favour, I'm standing here ready to go.'
"They said 'We'll phone you back'. Thirty-eight seconds later they phoned me back and said, 'please, please pretty please with a big cherry on top, can you fly the aeroplane to Alicante'?"
Prepared for a spot of dinner at his Spanish hotel, Michael wasn't dressed for the occasion, although, he was wearing his pilot's shoes.
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He laughed: "If you're alright for one of your pilots to look like this today, we'll go to Alicante." Unsurprisingly, his announcement was met with raucous applause from the passengers.
And one woman couldn't quite believe her luck, taking to Facebook to share the news, she beamed: "It could only happen to me!! Get to the airport, and our flight is delayed a couple of hours.
"Then I happened to look at the original time, and it changed to gate closing!! Had to leg it across the airport to get on the flight. Get to boarding and asked the guy at the desk what's going on.
"He said, 'Oh, your pilot's gone missing, but a guy that's going on your flight is going to fly the plane ' REALLY CASUALLY!!! Luckily, the guy was actually a pilot!! Probably would of been cancelled if it wasn't for him! Legend."
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