I chased my girl for months before she agreed to go on a date with me.
I sent her flowers and chocolates. I stood outside her work with an umbrella so she wouldn’t get wet walking to the bus. I promised her great holidays, big laughs and wild nights.
She was very grateful and polite but kept saying: “You won’t be able to handle me.” In the end I came up with two tickets to a great concert. I promised her fizz and a night in the hotel of her choice.
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You can check out more relationship and sex advice from Daily Star agony aunt Jane O'Gorman here.
She finally gave in. The concert was great but the night in the hotel was even better. We made love all night long, with her shocking and surprising me at every turn.
I never realised that being tied to a bed for hours could be so much fun. Now we’re a couple and I’m in over my head. The problem is that she is sex mad and I struggle to keep up with her.

She never wants a night off. She literally charges through the door after work and rips off my clothes. There’s no kissing or cuddling – it’s straight down to business.
Don’t get me wrong, I love the fact that she’s such a livewire and fancies me so much. I like to have sex too but I increasingly feel as though I’m faking it, especially after I’ve had a gruelling day myself. In the time we’ve been together we’ve romped everywhere from a museum storeroom (don’t ask) to the lift at my mum’s flats.
For my birthday she treated me to a threesome with a professional sex worker, which was intense. She’s so full on that I feel like a wrung-out rag.
I keep thinking she’s going to calm down soon and give me a few nights off – but it’s just not happening. I hate to admit it but she was right – I am struggling to handle her but am too proud to admit it. Help.
JANE SAYS: You must calmly tell your girl you need the occasional breather – you’re only human.
Suggest a sex contract of one night on/one night off and see if she’s willing to see things from your point of view and compromise. Obviously, you don’t want to break up over this current imbalance, so emphasise you are reasonable and grateful but very exhausted.

Tell her you love her and this doesn’t take anything away from your relationship but can she give you a break? Sadly, if she isn’t willing to compromise you need to talk again.
Your girlfriend is clearly a highly sexed, energetic woman but there are two of you in this relationship. You love your girl and find her sexy and exciting but very few people can keep up this level of sexual energy.
Would introducing sex toys take some of the heat and pressure off you? Look at what is available online or in specialist shops and see what floats her boat. Maybe professional therapy would help? Is all of this sex making her truly happy?