I’m living a double life with numerous secret lovers – and enjoying it.
I know that I should behave myself, or even feel guilty, but I don’t. The problem is that I love female attention. I can take any amount of flattery, flirting and sex. I’m a shallow guy and the first to admit it.
My long-term girlfriend has no idea that I enjoy a parallel life. She is the sweetest person in the world – kind, warm and generous. She trusts me every time I go on the road as an audio techie with my mate’s band.
READ MORE: 'My girlfriend wants secret female lover to move in – but I won't share sex toys'
She says she’s proud of me for putting in long nights and earning decent money, but I rarely hit my hotel pillows alone.
Being on the road gives me the chance to catch up with my other admirers. I have lovers scattered around the country, plus I enjoy occasional one-night stands with strangers too.

I’m living the rock ’n’ roll dream. So, sue me… My mate (the real star of the show) is in a secure relationship. He rants at my sexploits.
But it’s okay for him as his partner is with the group and travels with us, so he doesn’t get as lonely as I do. The other night he really ripped into me, calling me selfish and foolish. He’s right, I am. He also added that my girl deserves someone so much better than me – and that hurt.
The problem is that my girl truly loves me and believes in me. Now his nosy partner has waded in and told me I should finish with my girl, but how can I when it would break her heart?

JANE SAYS: If your fellow band members feel your behaviour is affecting your concentration and ability to perform your job, the idea of free love goes out the window.
Don’t forget that you are part of a professional outfit – punters are paying for tickets and venue managers expect a slick show. No-one appreciates an embarrassment in their midst…
Start being honest with yourself. Are you out of control? Have you become a liability? What about your trusting girlfriend’s dignity? What about her sexual health? Do you practise safe sex every time you cheat?
If you no longer respect her, then you have to set her free. At the moment you’re not being fair. She thinks that you’re one thing, but you’re quite another. Do the decent thing and come clean before she finds out the truth from a third party and is left utterly humiliated and destroyed.
Explain to her that you are not the person she needs, deserves or thinks you are.
The fact is that not all relationships go the distance. We grow up, crave fresh experiences or simply discover who we really are.
What you cannot continue to do is leave your girl in limbo, because she deserves love with someone who is on her side. From the sounds of things, the only person you care about is you…