I fear my boyfriend has fallen in love with his sex doll.
He’s more interested in his silicone blonde than me. I’m insulted and freaked out.
I’m just back from a spell abroad. I made him promise on my departure that he wouldn’t go with other women. Well, he hasn’t. But he has invested in a real size, busty bomb shell that has become his plaything and soul mate…
READ MORE: 'Girlfriend loves bonking – she wants threesome and lift romp but it's too much'
You can check out more relationship and sex advice from Daily Star agony aunt Jane O'Gorman here.
Every time I go round to see him ‘she’ is there too in pride of place. He talks to her and buys her lacy undies.
Naturally he’s suggested ‘she’ joins us in bed, which I’ve absolutely banned. How can I compete when, if I’m honest, ‘she’s’ better looking than I am?

JANE SAYS Your boyfriend’s sex doll may have been a good stop gap while you were away, but you’re back now and normal service needs to resume. Would he have a problem ditching it/her?
Is he emotionally as well as sexually attached? Would he like to talk about that?
Obviously, what he gets up to in the privacy of his bedroom is his business. If his sex doll gives him all the satisfaction and comfort, he craves then what’s your role?
My concern is that this adult aid is a barrier; that it’s stopping him from enjoying a real relationship with you. I urge you to discuss…