A surprising number of Brits would be happy having a romp with a robot. People were quizzed about the idea of becoming involved with a sex bot by a sex toy company.
The report by LELO, dubbed the Sex Census, quizzed thousands of Britons about their sexual desires. Of the 4,000 people asked it found more than a third has no qualms about using a sex robot, or 'maybe' using one if the price was right.
But data revealed a divide among sexes with men far more likely to consider a tryst with artificial intelligence than women. Almost half of the men asked were keen about the idea while only 21 per cent of women said the same.
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Sex robots are often confused with sex dolls - sex toys that are the same size and shape as a human. But they are actually far more life like - and naturally come with a hefty price tag.
In its report, LELO highlights two popular sex robots called Henry and Harmony 3.0, which were created by AI robotics firm, Realbotix. Henry was released back in 2018, and with 'superhuman sexual performance', is also apparently good at cracking jokes as part of the technology.

At 6ft tall with a rippling six-pack and brooding dark looks, the droid can also welcome his owner home and discuss their favourite TV show or film, according to its creators. He can even woo them with romantic phrases and words to their favourite love poem or song.
The Las Vegas based company creates robots with hyper-realistic human-synthetic skin that is "soft and silken like the human touch" and several points of facial movements for more expressions and realism. You can also create your own robot - easily replicate any human or humanoid creature in a brief time.
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