Nearly half (46%) of young adults, who rent their home, wrongly believe they need their landlord's permission – to install a smart meter, a study has found.
The research into 1,000 tenants, aged 18-35, found that 84% are keen to have a smart meter fitted, in order to keep on top of their energy usage and readings – as they named taking utility readings as one of their least favourite tasks when moving into a new rented home.
Other chores they dislike during the moving process include searching for the best energy prices – as 36% say it is less important to them whether their home has a good EPC energy rating, than whether it is close to their work.
However, more than a fifth (22%) admit they are putting off asking their landlord about having a smart meter installed – while others are avoiding approaching the homeowner about fixing draughts (22%), or replacing broken appliances (26%).
The research, commissioned by Smart Energy GB, also discovered the top 10 priorities for renters when moving into a new home – with sorting the Wi-Fi topping the list.
In fact, a quarter feel that having internet connection is so important, that they sort this on the day they move in – before setting up their utilities, or even unpacking.
Other must-do tasks soon after moving in include registering with a GP, updating addresses, and giving their new home a good clean – which all also rank among the things they least enjoy.

Alongside the findings, Smart Energy GB has released a video with comedian Fern Brady, who shares her own experiences of renting – having lived in over 20 rental properties since leaving home.
In a property-themed quiz, dubbed “Renty Questions”, Fern shares some of her most colourful stories of renting, along with things she would have found helpful when moving house.
She said: “Like a lot of millennials, I had some pretty interesting experiences of renting during my teens and twenties – whether it was living in a utility room when I first moved to London, or moving house almost every year.
“It can be even more difficult to keep track of things with lots of new housemates coming and going. I didn’t know how useful tech could be – such as smart meters, and apps that split bills – in helping to divide costs and manage finances. It would have saved a lot of disagreements over final bills.”
When looking for a new home, top priorities for renters are the monthly cost of rent, the safety of the area, and the size of home.
It also emerged 87% are keen to get to know their local area once they move in – by finding the nicest parks for a walk, and sampling the best places to eat.
And one in ten renters visit their local pub and takeaway on day one in their new place, while 12% prioritise going to new local restaurants and coffee shops. Others enjoy discovering new gyms, sports teams, and meeting new people in the area.
The research, carried out via OnePoll, revealed 84% would only speak to their landlord when it’s absolutely necessary – averaging fewer than four conversations with the homeowner.
Victoria Bacon, from Smart Energy GB, added: “In today’s tech-driven world, it’s interesting to see that so many young people feel the need to sort out the Wi-Fi the day they move somewhere new.
“Moving home can be a real hassle – but if your property has a smart meter installed, you won’t need to worry about taking meter readings.
“If the property doesn’t have one, and the energy bill is in your name, you can ask your energy supplier to upgrade your old analogue energy meter. If your landlord pays the bills, ask them if they would be happy to arrange an installation.”
- Setting up the Wi-Fi
- Setting up the utilities (gas/water/electricity)
- Unpacking everything
- Changing address with their bank and other accounts
- Giving it a good clean
- Registering with a new GP or dentist
- Buying new furniture or decorative items
- Forwarding post to their new address
- Going for a walk to explore the area
- Getting the best energy deal
- Changing their address on all the accounts they've signed up to, like banks etc.
- Unpacking everything
- Giving it a good clean
- Sorting out the Wi-Fi
- Taking reading for all utilities
- Registering with a GP
- Taking pictures of imperfections around the property that were there previously
- Finding the best energy prices
- Changing their address with the Post Office, so post is forwarded to their new address
- Registering with a dentist